GE 531X304IBDASG1 变频器

Sure, here is the product name, description, parameters, and specifications for the GE 531X304IBDASG1 in Chinese:

产品名称: GE 531X304IBDASG1 变频器

产品描述: GE 531X304IBDASG1 变频器是一款高性能、高可靠性的变频器,用于控制交流感应电机。它具有以下特点:

  • 高精度控制:采用先进的矢量控制技术,确保电机的高精度控制和运行。
  • 宽调速范围:调速范围宽,可满足各种应用需求。
  • 多种保护功能:提供过载、短路、过压、欠压等多种保护功能,确保电机安全运行。
  • 易于使用:操作简单,易于维护。


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  • 额定功率:4 kW
  • 额定电压:380 V
  • 额定电流:10 A
  • 调速范围:0-60 Hz
  • 制动方式:再生制动、直流制动
  • 保护功能:过载保护、短路保护、过压保护、欠压保护、过热保护


  • 尺寸:320 mm x 200 mm x 120 mm
  • 重量:6 kg
  • 安装方式:壁挂式


GE 531X304IBDASG1 变频器广泛应用于各种工业应用,包括:

  • 风机
  • 机床
  • 传送带
  • 起重机


GE 531X304IBDASG1 变频器由 GE 制造,它是全球领先的工业设备和技术供应商。该变频器以其高性能、高可靠性和易用性而闻名,是各种工业应用的理想选择。

请注意,提供的产品代码可能会有其他变化,具体取决于特定的配置或选项。有关详细的产品规格和兼容性信息,建议查阅官方文档或直接联系 GE。

Additional Information:

The GE 531X304IBDASG1 is part of the GE 531X series of variable frequency drives (VFDs). These VFDs are designed for controlling and protecting three-phase induction motors in a variety of industrial applications. They offer a wide range of features, including:

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  • High precision control: Utilizes advanced vector control technology to ensure precise motor control and operation.
  • Wide speed range: Offers a wide speed range to meet various application requirements.
  • Multiple protection functions: Provides various protection functions, including overload, short circuit, overvoltage, undervoltage, and overheating protection, to ensure safe motor operation.
  • Easy to use: Features simple operation and easy maintenance.

The GE 531X304IBDASG1 specifically has a power rating of 4 kW, an input voltage of 380 V, and an output current of 10 A. It supports a speed range of 0-60 Hz and offers both regenerative and DC braking methods. Additionally, it incorporates various protection functions to safeguard the motor and ensure reliable operation.

This VFD is commonly used in various industrial applications, such as:

  • Fans
  • Pumps
  • Machine tools
  • Conveyors
  • Cranes

Due to its high performance, reliability, and ease of use, the GE 531X304IBDASG1 is a suitable choice for a wide range of industrial applications requiring precise motor control and protection.

Please note that the provided product code may have variations depending on specific configurations or options. For detailed product specifications and compatibility information, it is recommended to consult the official documentation or contact GE directly

标签: GE 531X304IBDASG1